
  • Heri Iswandi Indo Global Mandiri University



Mural is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling other large permanent surface. There are some messages to be conveyed by the makers of mural. It’s to create the condition around him to express of aesthetic, social, and cultural. By this process, it will begin of  aesthetic politic and others. The aesthetic is process of effort and making of art to the real thing. There are efforts in the aesthetic of politic to provide a political action by a way of expressing through art media that called mural.

Keyword : Mural, social message, political elements.

Author Biography

Heri Iswandi, Indo Global Mandiri University

Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual


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Bahn. P.G. (1997). The Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art, (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Bangun, Sem. (2000). Kritik Seni Rupa. Bandung : ITB Bandung.

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Feldman, Edmund Burke. (1967). Art As Image And Idea. New Jersey.

Marianto, M. Dwi. (2011). Menempa Quanta Mengurai Seni Yogyakarta : BP ISI Yogyakarata.

Pirous. A.D. (2003). Melukis Itu Menulis. Bandung: ITB Bandung.

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Sony Kartika, Dharsono. (2004). Seni Rupa Modern. Bandung : Rekayasa Sains.

Sony Kartika, Dharsono. (2007) Kritik Seni. Bandung : Rekayasa Sains.

Sumarjo, Jakob. (2000). Filsafat Seni. Bandung : Penerbit ITB Bandung.

Susanto, Mikke. (2004). Menimbang Ruang Menata Rupa. Yogyakarta : Galang Press.

Sztompka, Piotr. (2011). Sosiologi Perubahan Sosial. Jakarta : Penerbit Prenada.

Veeger, K. J. (1985). Realitas Sosial. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.






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