Kampanye Sosial Pemanfaatan Pakaian Lama Dengan Metode Upcycle Kepada Generasi Z Di Kota Palembang


  • Aditya Pratama Prodi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri
  • Heri Iswandi Prodi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri
  • Keni Dion Prodi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri




The impact of textile waste is a serious problem for health and the environment. Generation Z
often chooses to throw away clothes rather than looking for ways to reuse them and not many
are aware that these used items can be recycled into items that have benefits and economic
value. Generation Z's lack of awareness of the dangers of textile waste and lack of education
about upcycling methods are the main problems in this design. Therefore, it is necessary to
design a campaign video that can widely reach Generation Z with the aim of making it easier to
provide information about upcycling methods and providing awareness of the dangers of textile
waste. The main aim of the design is to provide information about how important it is to use
used clothing waste in the city of Palembang, to raise awareness and encourage that used
clothing waste can be put to good use. Apart from being useful for protecting the environment,
used clothing waste can also produce positive feedback from its use.
Keywords : Textile waste, Upcycling, Clothing, Campaign Videos.






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