Journal Title : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Global Masa Kini
 ISSN Online : 2502-2024
 ISSN Print : 2089-6018
 Frequency : Twice a year namely July and December
 DOI : Prefix 10.36982 by 
 Editor-In-Chief : Reny Aziatul Pebriani
 Publisher : LP2M Universitas Indo Global Mandiri
 Citation Analysis : Google Scholar

About the Journal

P-ISSN : 2089-6018 || E-ISSN : 2502-2024

Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Global Masa Kini (JIEGMK) ISSN 2089-6018 (Print), ISSN 2502-2024 (Online) is an academic accounting, management, and business journal published by the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (Indonesia). This journal accepts the works of both national and international practitioners and researchers written in Indonesian and English. The journal covers topics in the areas of accounting, management, entrepreneurship, human resource management, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour, consumer behaviour, and other related subjects. JIEGMK is open to various methodological approaches, including conceptual work, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods. JIEGMK has been available in print and online since 2014. As of 2018, the journal is published biannually in July and December.


Kami mengundang para Dosen, Peneliti, Mahasiswa untuk publikasi di JIEGMK:

Volume 15, Nomor 1, Juli 2024 (Submit Periode : 01 Januari 2024 - 30 Juni 2024)

Volume 15, Nomor 2, Desember 2024 (Submit Periode : 01 Agustus 2024 - 30 November 2024)


  1. Silahkan kirim full paper (.*doc) Bapak/Ibu melalui OJS kami
  2. Submit menggunakan Template JIEGMK
  3. Artikel yang dikirimkan harus sesuai dengan focus and scope JIEGMK
  4. Daftar Rujukan minimal 10, dengan tingkat kebaruan 5 tahun terakhir untuk Jurnal dan 10 tahun untuk Buku (WAJIB mengutip minimal 2 artikel dari JIEGMK)
  5. Penulisan Daftar Rujukan wajib menggunakan Mendeley.
  6. Hasil pengecekan plagiasi maksimal 30%.

Current Issue

Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Vol 15, No 1
Published: 2024-07-02


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