Jurnal dan karya tulis ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh komunitas civitas akademi Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, termasuk mahasiswa dan fakultas.
Jurnal Abdimas Mandiri
P-ISSN : 2598-4241 || E-ISSN : 2598-425X
Semua kegiatan kemasyarakatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan / pengetahuan / ekonomi / keamanan dan ketentraman dilingkungan masyarakat bagi UMKM, masyarakat lokal, komunitas seperti kelompok PKK, Guru, Siswa, karang taruna, remaja di berbagai daerah kota maupun desa, melalui kegiatan pelatihan, sharing knowledge, secara berkelanjutan.
Indonesian Global Journal Of Medical Research and Development
The Indonesian Global Journal of Medical Research and Development (IGJMRD) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to advancing knowledge and fostering collaboration across disciplines. Our scope includes general medicine, public health, and the integration of innovation and technology into healthcare.
IGJMRD provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and innovators to share original research, reviews, and practical applications that address the complex challenges of modern healthcare. We aim to bridge the gap between traditional medical practice and emerging technological solutions, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches and community impact.
Key topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Advances in clinical medicine and patient care.
- Innovations in public health strategies and policy implementation.
- The role of technology in improving healthcare delivery, such as telemedicine, AI, and health apps.
- Interventions for disease prevention and health promotion.
- Case studies and pilot projects showcasing novel healthcare solutions.
IGJMRD invites contributions from academics, healthcare professionals, and innovators worldwide, promoting diversity and inclusivity in scientific dialogue.
Besaung : Jurnal Seni Desain dan Budaya
ISSN PRINT : 2502-8626 || ISSN Online: 2549-4074
Besaung merupakan jurnal ilmiah Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Budaya Universitas Indo Global Mandiri. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan hasil penelitian, gagasan konseptual (hasil pemikiran), penciptaan rupa, perancangan karya desain dan seni terapan (Applied Art), serta kajian analitis di bidang seni rupa, desain, dan budaya. Jurnal Besaung telah terakreditasi Sinta 5 sejak tahun 2020. Jurnal besaung diharapkan bisa menjadi media bagi penulis untuk mempublikasikan karyanya, sehingga keberadaan jurnal ini dapat berperan dalam memajukan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang seni rupa, desain dan budaya. Jurnal besaung terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yakni bulan Maret dan September
Journal Of Civil Engineering For Sustainable Future (JCESF)
Journal of Civil Engineering for Sustainable Future (JCESF) is a scientific journal of civil engineering, managed and published by The Civil Engineering Department of Universitas Indo Global Mandiri. JCESF is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal focused on all aspects of civil engineering with an emphasis on sustainability. The journal publishes articles resulting from research, scientific ideas, or case studies within the scope of Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources, Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Management. JCESF is published two times a year, June and December.
Global Expert: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
P-ISSN : 2302-5328 || E-ISSN : 2477-3794
Global Expert: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra contains research manuscripts related to the broad areas of Linguistics and Language Teaching. The journal is published twice a year (July and December) by the English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri. It is nationally and internationally reviewed by the journal's editorial board as well as other academic experts.
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik (JPP) merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola secara profesional oleh Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Universitas Indo Global Mandiri berdasarkan SK Rektor UIGM No.20/KR/2022, yang mencakup hasil penelitian atau hasil pemikiran bidang Pemerintahan dan Politik. Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik saat ini telah terkakreditasi Sinta 4 oleh Kemdikbudristek dan terafiliasi dengan Kesatuan Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Indonesia (KAPSIPI). Topik-topik yang tercakup dalam jurnal ini adalah hanya yang terkait dengan bidang pemerintahan dan politik.
Jurnal ini terbit (4) empat kali dalam setahun, yakni pada bulan Januari, Mei, Agustus, dan November dengan jumlah 10 artikel setiap edisi.
Catatan : Sejak terbitan Volume Ke-7 frekuensi penerbitan jurnal mengalami penambahan, dari 2 (dua) nomor menjadi 4 (empat) nomor dalam satu tahun (3 bulanan).
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik (JPP) P-ISSN : 2502-0900 || E-ISSN : 2502-2032
Kami mengundang para Dosen, Peneliti, Mahasiswa untuk publikasi di Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik pada:
Volume 10, Nomor 1, Januari 2025 (Published)
Volume 10, Nomor 2, Mei 2025 (Deadline : 20 April 2025)
Silahkan kirim full paper (.*docx) Bapak/Ibu melalui OJS kami, apabila memiliki kendala atau pertanyaan dapat mengirimkan e-mail ke tim editor di : ip@uigm.ac.id
- Submit menggunakan Template JPP (Disesuaikan dengan Bahasa Indonesia/Inggris);
- Artikel yang dikirimkan harus sesuai dengan skup Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik;
- Daftar Rujukan minimal 25 Artikel/Buku, dengan tingkat kebaruan 5 tahun terakhir untuk Jurnal dan 10 tahun untuk Buku (WAJIB mengutip minimal 1 artikel dari Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik);
- Penulisan Daftar Rujukan wajib menggunakan Mendeley/Zotero/EndNote;
- Hasil pengecekan plagiasi maksimal 20%; dan
- Ukuran file maksimal 2 MB.
- Submit menggunakan Template JPP (Disesuaikan dengan Bahasa Indonesia/Inggris);
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Global Masa Kini
P-ISSN : 2089-6018 || E-ISSN : 2502-2024
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Global Masa Kini (JIEGMK) ISSN 2089-6018 (Print), ISSN 2502-2024 (Online) is an academic accounting, management, and business journal published by the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (Indonesia). This journal accepts the works of both national and international practitioners and researchers written in Indonesian and English. The journal covers topics in the areas of accounting, management, entrepreneurship, human resource management, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour, consumer behaviour, and other related subjects. JIEGMK is open to various methodological approaches, including conceptual work, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods. JIEGMK has been available in print and online since 2014. As of 2018, the journal is published biannually in July and December.
We invite Lecturers, Researchers, Students to publish in JIEGMK:
Volume 16, Nomor 1, Juli 2025 (Submit Periode : 01 Januari 2025 - 30 Juni 2025)
Volume 16, Nomor 2, Desember 2025 (Submit Periode : 01 Agustus 2025 - 30 November 2025)
- Silahkan kirim full paper (.*doc) Bapak/Ibu melalui OJS kami
- Submit menggunakan Template JIEGMK
- Artikel yang dikirimkan harus sesuai dengan focus and scope JIEGMK
- Daftar Rujukan minimal 10, dengan tingkat kebaruan 5 tahun terakhir untuk Jurnal dan 10 tahun untuk Buku (WAJIB mengutip minimal 2 artikel dari JIEGMK)
- Penulisan Daftar Rujukan wajib menggunakan Mendeley.
- Hasil pengecekan plagiasi maksimal 20%.
Jurnal Ecoment Global
P-ISSN : 2540-816X || E-ISSN : 2685-6204
The Ecoment Global Journal, focusing on Business and Management studies, is a reputable scientific publication produced by the Master of Management Study Program at the University of Indo Global Mandiri Palembang. With its inception in 2016, this journal has been available both in print and online formats. The articles within the journal are written in Indonesian and English languages, catering to a wide readership. Renowned authors and researchers from local, national, and international backgrounds contribute their valuable works to this journal. Contributions are welcomed in the form of research papers and debates, adhering to the rigorous standards and procedures set by the editorial board.
The Ecoment Global Journal offers extensive coverage of excellent research across various subjects, including but not limited to human resource management, organization theory, strategic management, corporate governance, managerial economics, marketing, finance, accounting, and operations management.
The Global Ecoment Journal is released semiannually, with new editions published in April, August and December
Kami mengundang para Dosen, Peneliti, Mahasiswa untuk publikasi di JEG:
Volume 9, Nomor 1, April 2024 (Published)
Volume 9, Nomor 2, Agustus 2024 (Published)
Volume 9, Nomor 3, Desember 2024
- Silahkan kirim full paper (.*doc) Bapak/Ibu melalui OJS kami
- Submit menggunakan Template JIEG
- Artikel yang dikirimkan harus sesuai dengan focus and scope JEG
- Daftar Rujukan minimal 10, dengan tingkat kebaruan 5 tahun terakhir untuk Jurnal dan 10 tahun untuk Buku (WAJIB mengutip minimal 2 artikel dari JEG)
- Penulisan Daftar Rujukan wajib menggunakan Mendeley.
- Hasil pengecekan plagiasi maksimal 20%.
Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global
P-ISSN : 2302-500X || E-ISSN : 2477-3786
Informatika Global (JIIG Journal) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that is published three times a year (April, August, and December). The scientific journal is published by Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (UIGM). The JIIG aims to provide a national and international forum for academics, researchers, and professionals to share their ideas on all topics related to Information Technology, Software Engineering, Information Systems Design, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Computer Networks, Expert Systems, Machine Learning, Distributed Systems, Databases Technology, Robotics, Decision Support Systems, and other applied sciences. It publishes its issues online (e-ISSN 2477-3786) and in a printed (p-ISSN 2302-500X) version.
The JIIG welcomes high-quality manuscripts resulting from a research project. The manuscript must be original research or review manuscript, written in English, and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. All submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by editors and evaluated by reviewers through the single-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts in the journal. Before Submission, The author has to ensure that the manuscript has been prepared using the JIIG template following the author's guidelines. The manuscript should also have been carefully proofread. Any manuscript which does not meet the author's guidelines is written in a different format, has poor soundness of English, or has a high plagiarism percentage (more than 25%) will be immediately rejected. The only manuscript which meets the JIIG format will be processed further.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Call For Paper 2025
Kepada Ykh. Penulis dan Kontributor,
Dengan hormat,
Kami mengundang Anda untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian (termasuk penelitian hasil SKRIPSI mahasiswa), sesuai ruang lingkup Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global, pada periode:
Vol. 16 No. 1 April 2025
Deadline 30 Maret 2025Silahkan kirim Manuskrip Anda (doc/docx) melalui menu Login/Register
- Submit harus sesuai template Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global
- Referensi minimal 15, publikasi 10 tahun terakhir (Dianjurkan 5 tahun terakhir) dan diutamakan dari jurnal
- Direkomendasikan menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley dalam penulisan referensi.
- Hasil Cek Plagiarisme maksimal 25%
- File maksimum berukuran 2 MB
- Metadata penulis lengkap
Biaya publikasi (APC) Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global untuk Tahun 2025: 400.000 (IDR)
Hormat kami,
Tim Editorial Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global
Status AKREDITASI Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global (JIIG)
Untuk Volume 13 Nomor 3 (Desember 2022) sampai Volume 15 Nomor 3 (Desember 2024): SINTA 4
Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 181/E/KPT/2024 tanggal 18 Oktober 2024 tentang Perpanjangan Masa Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah (https://arjuna.kemdikbud.go.id/#/pengumuman/680)
Untuk Volume 16 Nomor 1 (April 2025) sampai Volume 20 Nomor 3 (Desember 2029): SINTA 5
Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 177/E/KPT/2024 tanggal 15 Oktober 2024 tentang Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode II Tahun 2024 (https://arjuna.kemdikbud.go.id/#/pengumuman/678)
Jurnal Tekno Global
ISSN PRINT : E-ISSN 2477-6955 || P-ISSN 2338-6762
Karya-karya ilmiah dalam jurnal Tekno Global ini merupakan hasil dari tulisan dari Praktisi, Pakar dan dedikasi para Dosen Indo Global Mandiri yang senantiasa memiliki komitmen untuk mengembangkan Ilmu pengetahuan pada bidang Keteknikan baik dalam tataran praktis maupun teoritis sehingga dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan keamanan hidup. Fokus dan scope Jurnal Tekno Global adalah: Teknik Sipil, Arsitektur, Perencanaan Wilayah Perkotaan, Survei dan Pemetaan, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan kerja. Jurnal Tekno global di terbitkan 2 kali dalam setahun di bulan Juli dan Desember.CALL FOR PAPER
Kami mengundang para Dosen, Peneliti, Mahasiswa untuk publikasi di Jurnal Tekno Global:
Volume 14, Nomor 2, Juli 2025 (Deadline Tanggal 25 Juni 2025)
- Silahkan kirim full paper (*.doc/*.docx) melalui online submissions dengan mengikuti format template artikel
- Artikel yang dikirimkan harus sesuai dengan focus and scope Jurnal Tekno Global
- Daftar Rujukan minimal 10, dengan tingkat kebaruan 5 tahun terakhir untuk Jurnal dan 10 tahun untuk Buku.
- Hasil pengecekan plagiasi maksimal 25%.
- Silahkan kirim full paper (*.doc/*.docx) melalui online submissions dengan mengikuti format template artikel
Jurnal Software Engineering and Computational Intelligence
E-ISSN : 2988-2028
Journal of Software Engineering and Computational Intelligence (JSECI) is a scientific journal in software engineering and computational intelligence containing the scientific literature on studies of pure and applied research in informatics and computer sciences, public review of the development of theory, method, and applied sciences related to the subject. Journal of Software Engineering and Computational Intelligence (JSECI) is published by Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri. Editors invite researchers, practitioners, and students to write scientific development related to informatics, software engineering, and computational intelligence. Journal of Software Engineering and Computational Intelligence (JSECI) is issued 2 (two) times a year in June and December.
The topics covered include but are not limited to:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Vision
- Cryptography
- Genetic Algorithm
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Image Processing
- Intelligent Home Environments
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Neural Network
- Pattern Recognition
- Software Engineering (Implementation of Computational Intelligent)
- Steganography
Journal Of Plano Studies
Journal of Plano Studies is a scientific journal in the field of Urban and Regional Planning by the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri Palembang. The journal emphasizes on topics related to the urban, rural, regional issues in the physical, spatial, technological, economic, social, planning, development, environmental planning, government, political environment and institutional in Indonesia and worldwide. The editor receives scientific articles and research results in accordance with the nature is Urban and Regional Planning. The journal is committed to creat a multidisciplinary science by seeking the contribution from researcher, academics, planners, geographers, architects, environmentalists, economists, engineers and other who are interested in Urban and Regional Planning to advance empirical and theoretical knowledge of the urban from both positive and normative perspectives. The articles are published every six months, that is, June and December (2 issues per year)
Journal Of Intelligent Networks and IoT Global
E-ISSN : 2988-1323
The Journal of Intelligent Networks and IoT Global, published by the Computer System program under the Faculty of Computer science Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, is a high-caliber, peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the latest research, insights, and advancements in the field of Intelligent Networks and the Internet of Things (IoT).
The journal aims to be an essential platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners, presenting cutting-edge research findings, innovative methodologies, and emerging technologies within the broad scope of Intelligent Networks and IoT.
We warmly invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners from around the world to submit their high-quality and original articles to the Journal of Intelligent Networks and IoT Global. This esteemed publication is a platform where innovative ideas, groundbreaking research, and cutting-edge advancements in Intelligent Networks and Internet of Things (IoT) are shared and discussed.
The journal covers a diverse range of topics including, but not limited to,• Embedded system (robotica, microcontroller, Microelectronica)
• Machine Learning,
• Computer Vision,
• Image processing
• Intelligent control system,
• Computer network,
• Network security
• Mobile computing,
• Artificial Intelligent,
• Internet of Things,All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous peer-review process that ensures the credibility, validity, and significance of the research presented. We welcome contributions in various areas. We believe your research could be the catalyst for the next big breakthrough. Submit your articles and join us in shaping the future of this exciting field!
Bio Palembanica (ISSN 3047-9827, online) is a peer-reviewed journal in which scientific articles and reports are biannually or twice a year published (June and December). All published content is available only in the online version. The papers are in the fields of biology and applied biology. The papers scope in in the field of biology, including ecology, biosystematics, biogeography, ecology, landscape and biodiversity conservation; and applied biology cover biotechnology, veterinary medicine, pests and plant diseases.