Digitalisasi Manajemen Dokumen Terintegrasi Berbasis Sistem Informasi pada Perusahaan Logistik: Tinjauan dari Sisi Spesifikasi dan Arsitektur


  • Muhammad Fadhiel Alie Universitas Indo Global Mandiri
  • Dana Indra Sensuse Universitas Indonesia
  • Faradillah Faradillah Universitas Indo Global Mandiri



Multi Artha Sarana Solusi Inc. (MASS Cargo) is a logistic company providing freight forwarder service. MASS Cargo
has a business process of service sales prioritizing lead time delivery. Another thing that becomes the main focus of the
company’s business process is the quickness of document & administration report collection. However, it becomes the
main problem faced by MASS Cargo since it affects to the delayed of invoice billing to the customers, impacting on the
company’s cash flow directly. This research does an information system specification design which will be used as the
main system and be able to help the smoothness of the document collection & report. Analysis of the business process,
document, and interview with the stakeholders is used as referrals in the designing so that the information system
corresponds to company’s need. The methodology used in the information system specification design is Rational
Unified Process (RUP). RUP disciplines done in this research are requirement and analysis & design on inception &
elaboration phases with 3 iterations. The result of this research are artifact documents representing the needs of the
MASS Cargo’s integrated document management information system and mockup collection that has been validated by
the users.

Keywords : Specification Design, Information System, Integrated Document, Rational Unified Process, MASS Cargo

Author Biographies

Muhammad Fadhiel Alie, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

Program Studi Sistem Informasi

Dana Indra Sensuse, Universitas Indonesia

Magister Ilmu Teknologi

Faradillah Faradillah, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

Program Studi Sistem Informasi


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How to Cite

Alie, M. F., Sensuse, D. I., & Faradillah, F. (2021). Digitalisasi Manajemen Dokumen Terintegrasi Berbasis Sistem Informasi pada Perusahaan Logistik: Tinjauan dari Sisi Spesifikasi dan Arsitektur. Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global, 12(1).



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