South Sumatra custom homes as a cultural heritage of the community of South Sumatra containing elements of a culture that has existed since long ago. As a cultural heritage, South Sumatra custom homes should be maintained and conserved. But not the inclusion of diversity learning curriculum of South Sumatra custom homes in school especially elementary school made knowledge of South Sumatra custom homes is very A little. The existence of this drafting aims to introduce a variety of South Sumatra custom homes and as learning in schools using the medium of Puzzle Games. This design can preserve the diversity of South Sumatra custom homes through a media game, preserving in this is in terms of scholarship in the know diversity custom homes using various media. This puzzle game is a simple game that is played with the loading plug. Based on the notion of a puzzle game, then it can be inferred that this puzzle game is an educational game tool that can stimulate the child's abilities, played by way of dismantling the puzzle pieces based on pairs of couples who has been specified.             Â
Keywords: South Sumatra custom homes, Media education, puzzle game
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