
  • Rizqon Halal Syah Aji Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
  • Muhamad Malyan Saputra The National University of Malaysia
  • Samila Devi A/P Mariappan The National University of Malaysia



Motivation to Learning has an important function in organizing commitment organized. Likewise with Displacement Knowledge Exercise also owns role in motivation description learn in influencing worker towards organizational commitment. So that employee continues to maintain their commitment to the organization. Therefore, this nature is very important in producing organization that is high quality and make a transfer towards training knowledge. This study was conducted on labor in the private sector with a total number of respondents of 189 workers. The research used was to identify and analyze the empirical model study with Partial Least square and moderating.

Author Biographies

Rizqon Halal Syah Aji, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta

Faculty Economy & Bussines

Muhamad Malyan Saputra, The National University of Malaysia

Faculty Economy and Management

Samila Devi A/P Mariappan, The National University of Malaysia

Faculty Economy and Management


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How to Cite

Syah Aji, R. H., Saputra, M. M., & Mariappan, S. D. A. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATIONAL BEHAVIOR LEARNING AND EXERCISE OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT. Jurnal Ecoment Global, 6(1), 1–10.
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