Fuzzy Topsis System Untuk Pemilihan Karyawan Terbaik Pada PT. Delta Dunia Textile
This research implements a fuzzy topsis based system for selecting the best employees at PT. Delta World Textil. One of
the matters, especially in the management of Human Energy Resources (HR) is the selection of the best employees
periodically, so that those who are elected will be given an award in the form of a bonus in order to motivate employees
to improve their service and performance. The best and quality employees are the legacy of the industry that wants to
make the industry grow rapidly. Several methods have been proposed for selecting the best employees. However, the
method used is inaccurate because it only uses one method with few criteria. This study aims to select the best
employees by looking at several criteria in the form of discipline, teamwork, attitudes, presence, skills, loyalty, tenure,
and productivity for initial processing using fuzzy logic. Initial values are obtained in the form of membership function
values which are used as input into the topsis method. The first stage of the topsis method is carried out in the
normalized decision metric stage, the results of this stage are used to find a weighted normalized decision matrix
according to the weight of the criteria for each criterion, the results of this stage are used to ensure positive ideal
solving and negative perfect solutions after that the distance between the values is determined. each alternative with a
positive perfect solution matrix and a negative perfect solution matrix. In the last session, the highest preference value
was sought so that the best employees were obtained. The results show that the system established is very feasible in
ensuring the best employees in performance evaluation.
Keywords : Fuzzy Logic, Topsis, Best Employees, Decision Support System
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