About the Journal

The Journal of Intelligent Networks and IoT Global, published by the Universitas Indo Global Mandiri, is a global-leading publication specializing in the dynamic and increasingly influential fields of Intelligent Networks and the Internet of Things (IoT). The journal serves as a platform for sharing innovative ideas, groundbreaking research, and advanced developments across the globe. We are dedicated to enriching academic discourse and fostering innovation and practical applications in these fields.

Publication Frequency

The Journal of Intelligent Networks and IoT Global is published quarterly, i.e., twice  a year (December, and July). This frequency ensures a balance between providing a constant stream of quality content for our readers while allowing our contributors enough time for thorough research, analysis, and peer-review processes.

Peer Review Process

The Journal upholds a rigorous  peer-review process to ensure the credibility, validity, and impact of the research published. Each submitted manuscript is reviewed by at least two experts in the field, who provide constructive feedback and recommendations. The identity of both the reviewers remains confidential to maintain impartiality. This process ensures that all published articles meet the highest standards of scientific and academic excellence.

Open Access Policy

We firmly believe in the power of freely accessible academic information. The Journal of Intelligent Networks and IoT Global operates under an Open Access policy, meaning that all published articles are freely available to the public without any restrictions. This policy aligns with our mission to disseminate cutting-edge knowledge and advancements in Intelligent Networks and IoT to the widest possible audience, fostering a global community of researchers, scholars, and practitioners.

Our Open Access policy does not only mean open readership; it also implies open data – encouraging authors to share their research data to increase transparency, reproducibility, and trust in their work. We are part of the global movement to make science more accessible and collaborative, driving greater impact and fostering innovation.