Dinamika Politik Identitas Etnis di Aceh (Studi Kasus Terhadap Kemenangan Irwandi-Nova Pada Pilkada 2017)
Political dynamics often occur when the democratic system is in a development that is happening at the present time. The emergence of political dynamics is also quite related to the emergence of identity politics. Where identity politics is the existence of individual awareness to describe a particular identity, based on the form of relations in ethnic and religious identities. In essence, identity politics in Indonesia has a fairly complex characteristic in which there is a culture in the development of democracy. The purpose of this study was to obtain a clear picture of the dynamics of ethnic identity politics in the 2017 Pilkada in Aceh. The theory that is used is the theory of Identity Politics, which means a person's tendency towards certain racial, religious, ethnic, social or cultural identities to form exclusive political alliances. The method used is a purposive descriptive method, this is done by obtaining qualitative data in a simple way so that it seeks to get data from libraries (library research), various sources of writing and academic information, data from reading sources about various rules, politics of various forms. related scientific works. The results obtained are that ethnic identity politics in the 2017 regional head elections in Aceh is still a very crucial issue. In practical politics and used as a strategy that is strong enough in the victory of candidates in order to gain support from the community. By bringing up a fairly thick ethnic identity, the Irawandi-Nova pair succeeded in obtaining victory in the 2017 Pilkada in Aceh province. However, this does not merely forget that the programs presented by the couple are also considered pro to the community so that this is also one of the factors for Irwandi-Nova's victory. So it is not surprising that the number of votes obtained is quite high in that area, namely at 53.5% (56,900 votes) in Aceh Tengah district, 53.2% (41,836 votes) in Bener Meriah district 40.6% (21,675 votes) ) in the district of Gayo Lues. It is hoped that in the future this identity politics issue can be minimized even though the results obtained from the existence of this identity politics issue run as expected, but still it can lead to intolerant conflicts in the community.
Keywords: Identity Politics, District Heads Election , Aceh
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