Pendekatan Thinking Across dalam Dynamic Governance: Strategi Efektif untuk Mewujudkan Gerakan Sumsel Mandiri Pangan (GSMP)
Thinking Across, Dynamic Governance, GSMP, Food Resilience, Cross-Sectoral Collaboration, Adaptive GovernanceAbstract
The Sumsel Food Self-Reliance Movement (GSMP) represents a forward-looking initiative by the South Sumatra Provincial Government to achieve sustainable food security through community involvement and local resource optimization. However, its implementation faces persistent challenges, including limited program outreach, insufficient field guidance, and misaligned support services. Leveraging the Thinking Across approach within the Dynamic Governance framework provides a strategic pathway to address these complexities by integrating cross-sectoral collaboration, innovative policy-making, and adaptive governance practices. This qualitative study adopts an exploratory approach, utilizing structured interviews, observations, and document analysis to gather insights from stakeholders involved in GSMP. Data analysis reveals that the Thinking Across approach enhances program effectiveness by promoting synergy between the government, private sectors, and communities. This approach facilitates the integration of diverse perspectives and local knowledge, ensuring the program's adaptability to environmental and socio-economic shifts. Moreover, the approach strengthens community participation and ensures that program interventions align with local needs and capabilities. By embedding cross-disciplinary thinking and dynamic strategies, this study contributes to the theoretical understanding of adaptive governance in the food sector. It recommends bolstering program socialization, increasing targeted field assistance, and fostering data-driven decision-making to maximize GSMP’s impact on food resilience and self-reliance.
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