How do I submit my manuscript?
Authors are requested to electronically submit their papers to the journal for evaluation and submission at: https://ejournal.uigm.ac.id/index.php/biopalembanica/about/submissions
How do I check the status of my submitted article?
Each manuscript submission will be followed by a confirmation email to the corresponding author.
Authors may track all the stages of publication online until their manuscript is finalized and ready for publication. Log onto https://ejournal.uigm.ac.id/index.php/biopalembanica/login and click the article title from the available list of your submitted manuscripts to view the detailed status at every stage of peer-review and editorial decision.
How long will it take to process my submitted manuscript?
In most of the journals, the editorial decision on the submission is generally conveyed within two to three months from the initiation of the peer-review process. The time duration of the peer-review process varies due to factors such as availability and promptness of the reviewers approached to carry out reviewing of the submission. For the duration of the review process, the submission appears in the “In Review” section of the Bio Palembanica.
How can I become a reviewer?
Typically, reviewers are invited to conduct a review by a journal’s manager or editor. Editors usually select researchers that are experts in the same subject area as the paper. However, if you think you would be a good reviewer for a specific journal, you can always contact one of the journal's editors.
Where can I access articles for review?
The reviewers will receive a notification email requesting for peer-review of the assigned manuscript. Interested reviewers can submit their comments online. Alternatively, they may decline the activity online.
Are Bio Palembanica peer-reviewed?
Yes. All articles published in Bio Palembanica are fully peer-reviewed.
What is the copyright policy of Bio Palembanica?
Open Access Articles are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY 4.0) (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode), which permits unrestricted, distribution and reproduction in any medium, as long as the work is properly credited/attributed.
What does it cost to publish in Bio Palembanica?
The entire processes from submission until publishing of articles is free of charge (no article processing and submission charges).
The goal of Bio Palembanica is to provide free and unrestricted access to all scientific knowledge ever published in journal or other form.
Who should I contact if I am experiencing problems submitting my article?
Please contact our Managing Editor (Diah Komala Sari, S.ST., M.Bmd.), email: diahkomalasari@uigm.ac.id
· Update your affiliation and click on the “save and continue” button
How to update your email address, and/or Affiliation?
Send a request to: diahkomalasari@uigm.ac.id
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Team: